| Capsule Review Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982)

Directed by Steve Miner.
Cast: Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka, Tracie Savage, Jeffrey Rogers, Larry Zerner, Catherine Parks, Rachel Howard, David Katims, Catherine Parks, Gloria Charles, Kevin O'Brien, Nick Savage, Steve Susskind, Cheri Maugans, Richard Brooker.
1982 96 minutes
Rated: (for strong violence, sexual content, nudity, language and drug use).
Reviewed by Dustin Putman, October 2008.
Chris Higgins: No! You can't be alive!
Set one day after the events of " Friday the 13th Part 2," the imaginatively titled "Friday the 13th Part 3" opts not to ruin a formula that works and introduces a whole new cast of nubile teens clueless to the now-hockey-masked Jason Voorhees's reign of terror in the area. Instead of camp counselors, the characters are just a group of friends planning to spend the weekend at Chris's (Dana Kimmell) family's summer cottage. Chris is a bit smarter to the dire situation that befalls thema few years ago, she fought off a deformed man in the nearby woodsbut she's unfortunately not smart enough to know when to turn her van around after passing by a murder scene on her way to the cabin. Released theatrically in 3-D, "Friday the 13th Part 3" is full of cheesy visual gimmicksbaseball bats, yo-yos, and even a gouged eye come flying at the screenthat don't particularly pass muster when viewed in two dimensions. As a tried-and-true slasher film, it has its moments, but director Steve Miner becomes so obsessed with using a two-story barn set over and over that it grows tedious by the end. And, when it is nonchalantly revealed that Debbie (Tracey Savage) is carrying a baby, only for this plot point to never be brought up again as she wanders toward a messy demise, it comes off as rather irresponsible.